All In Credit Union has created a financial challenge for members like you to take control of your finances and improve your life. With the All In 2 Finances Challenge, contestants and online participants who follow along will learn how to reduce debt, increase savings and improve your credit score. Each year five lucky families are selected to work with their All In Financial Coaches for a chance to win $10,000.
Start the Journey Today for a Chance to Win $10,000*
At the end of the challenge, the team with the greatest positive change in their financial picture will be awarded a $10,000 prize! Our second-place team will win $7,500, while the remaining teams will earn $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000 based on their standing at the end of the competition.
Are you ready to take control of your finances and pave the way to a more secure future?
Complete your All In 2 Finances Challenge Application Today!
2025 All In 2 Finances Program - Member
All In Credit Union has created a financial challenge for members like you to take control of your finances and improve your life. With the All In 2 Finances Challenge, contestants and online participants who follow along will learn how to reduce debt, increase savings and improve your credit score. Each year five lucky families are selected to work with their All In Financial Coaches for a chance to win $10,000.
Start the Journey Today for a Chance to Win $10,000*
At the end of the challenge, the team with the greatest positive change in their financial picture will be awarded a $10,000 prize! Our second-place team will win $7,500, while the remaining teams will earn $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000 based on their standing at the end of the competition.
Are you ready to take control of your finances and pave the way to a more secure future?
Complete your All In 2 Finances Challenge Application Today!